Monitoring & Troubleshooting
This section describes different methods to monitor or troubleshoot your Ansible playbook runs.
When you need metrics about playbook execution and machine resource consumption, callback plugins can help you drill down into the data and troubleshoot issues.
How long does it take?
To measure the time spent for tasks and the overall playbook run, multiple callback plugins are available. Install the necessary collections which include the desired callback plugins:
The following plugins are available and useful for different purposes.
- ansible.posix.timer - Adds total play duration to the play stats.
- ansible.posix.profile_tasks - For timing individual tasks and overall execution time.
- ansible.posix.profile_roles - Adds timing information to roles.
To use the callback plugins, they need to be enabled.
For example, to show the start-time and duration for every task, you can use the timer
and profile_tasks
callback plugin.
Add the following block to your ansible.cfg
Example output
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini create_workshop_environment.yml
PLAY [Create Workshop environment] ****************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************
Saturday 07 September 2024 16:05:19 +0200 (0:00:00.004) 0:00:00.004 ****
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Get package facts] **************************************************************************************************************
Saturday 07 September 2024 16:05:20 +0200 (0:00:00.836) 0:00:00.840 ****
ok: [localhost]
[...cut for readability...]
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=10 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0
node1 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
node2 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
node3 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 43 seconds
Saturday 07 September 2024 16:06:03 +0200 (0:00:02.318) 0:00:43.633 ****
Install SSH daemon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25.25s
Start managed node containers, publish 3 ports for each container -------------------------------------------------------------- 3.67s
Gathering Facts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.92s
Start SSH daemon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.64s
Add public key of workshop SSH keypair to authorized_keys of ansible user ------------------------------------------------------ 2.32s
Remove /run/nologin to be able to login as unprivileged user ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.20s
Create OpenSSH keypair for accessing managed nodes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.38s
Get package facts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.84s
Gathering Facts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.84s
Pull image for managed node containers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.52s
Create workshop inventory file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.28s
Deploy ansible.cfg to home directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.19s
Create folder for workshop inventory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.18s
Add block to ssh_config for easy SSH access to managed nodes ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.17s
Check for existing SSH keypair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.14s
Install Podman ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.03s
Backup file of .ansible.cfg created -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.02s
Check if OpenSSH keypair does not match target configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.02s
Abort playbook if keypair was found and does not match target configuration ---------------------------------------------------- 0.02s
How much resources are consumed?
To measure system resources used by Ansible, you can use the following callback plugins, both are utilizing cgroups.
- community.general.cgroup_memory_recap - profiles maximum memory usage of individual tasks and displays a recap at the end
- ansible.posix.cgroup_perf_recap - profiles system activity of Ansible and individual tasks and displays a recap at the end of the playbook execution.
cgroups (abbreviated from control groups) is a Linux kernel feature that limits, accounts for, and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, etc) of a collection of processes. You can use the cgroup-tools (for Fedora-based systems the package is called libcgroup-tools) utilities to create a cgroup profile and interact with cgroups.
Installing cgroup-tools
and creating the cgroup-profile requires sudo permissions.
Install the cgroup-tools which contains command-line programs, services and a daemon for manipulating control groups using the libcgroup library.
Create a cgroup which includes the CPU Accounting, the memory (RAM) and the PIDs subsystem:
Install the necessary collections which include the desired callback plugins:
To use the callback plugins, they need to be enabled and configured.
Show RAM usage
To show the memory usage for every task, you can use the cgroup_memory_recap
callback plugin.
Add the following block to your ansible.cfg
callbacks_enabled = community.general.cgroup_memory_recap
cur_mem_file = /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/ansible_profile/memory.usage_in_bytes
max_mem_file = /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/ansible_profile/memory.max_usage_in_bytes
The cgexec program executes a task command (in our case a playbook run) with arguments in given control groups (in our case the memory group only).
Example output
$ cgexec -g memory:ansible_profile ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini create_workshop_environment.yml
PLAY [Create Workshop environment] ******************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Get package facts] ****************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
[...cut for readability...]
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************
localhost : ok=10 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0
node1 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
node2 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
node3 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
CGROUP MEMORY RECAP *********************************************************************
Execution Maximum: 281.57MB
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000001f): 148.23MB
Get package facts (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000006): 220.73MB
Install Podman (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000007): 166.30MB
Pull image for managed node containers (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000008): 220.42MB
Start managed node containers, publish 3 ports for each container (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000009): 227.33MB
Create folder for workshop inventory (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000000a): 190.53MB
Create workshop inventory file (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000000b): 203.59MB
Add block to ssh_config for easy SSH access to managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000000c): 192.20MB
Deploy ansible.cfg to home directory (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000000d): 185.89MB
Backup file of .ansible.cfg created (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000000e): 168.18MB
Check for existing SSH keypair (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000000f): 191.01MB
Check if OpenSSH keypair does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000011): 168.10MB
Abort playbook if keypair was found and does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000012): 168.20MB
Create OpenSSH keypair for accessing managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000014): 210.39MB
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000060): 251.42MB
Install SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000017): 275.68MB
Start SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000018): 281.44MB
Remove /run/nologin to be able to login as unprivileged user (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-000000000019): 250.57MB
Add public key of workshop SSH keypair to authorized_keys of ansible user (299e2579-3d81-65cc-ccd9-00000000001a): 273.89MB
Create an alias for the cgexec... part:
First time usage requires source ~/.bash_aliases
, now you can run:
Show RAM, CPU & PIDs usage
To show the memory and CPU usage, as well as forked processes for every task, you can use the cgroup_perf_recap
callback plugin.
Add the following block to your ansible.cfg
callbacks_enabled = ansible.posix.cgroup_perf_recap
control_group = ansible_profile
The cgexec program executes a task command (in our case a playbook run) with arguments in given control groups.
Example output
$ cgexec -g cpuacct,memory,pids:ansible_profile ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini create_workshop_environment.yml
PLAY [Create Workshop environment] *****************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Get package facts] ***************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
[...cut for readability...]
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=10 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0
node1 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
node2 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
node3 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
CGROUP PERF RECAP **********************************************************************************************
Memory Execution Maximum: 286.29MB
cpu Execution Maximum: 302.46%
pids Execution Maximum: 43.00
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000001f): 109.20MB
Get package facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000006): 182.14MB
Install Podman (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000007): 120.23MB
Pull image for managed node containers (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000008): 216.32MB
Start managed node containers, publish 3 ports for each container (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000009): 224.69MB
Create folder for workshop inventory (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000a): 159.62MB
Create workshop inventory file (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000b): 206.01MB
Add block to ssh_config for easy SSH access to managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000c): 162.30MB
Deploy ansible.cfg to home directory (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000d): 162.27MB
Backup file of .ansible.cfg created (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000e): 162.33MB
Check for existing SSH keypair (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000f): 162.94MB
Check if OpenSSH keypair does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000011): 163.47MB
Abort playbook if keypair was found and does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000012): 166.45MB
Create OpenSSH keypair for accessing managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000014): 216.06MB
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000060): 250.53MB
Install SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000017): 271.96MB
Start SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000018): 268.99MB
Remove /run/nologin to be able to login as unprivileged user (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000019): 246.32MB
Add public key of workshop SSH keypair to authorized_keys of ansible user (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000001a): 273.55MB
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000001f): 92.82%
Get package facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000006): 101.37%
Install Podman (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000007): 0.00%
Pull image for managed node containers (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000008): 77.08%
Start managed node containers, publish 3 ports for each container (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000009): 82.08%
Create folder for workshop inventory (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000a): 0.00%
Create workshop inventory file (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000b): 101.61%
Add block to ssh_config for easy SSH access to managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000c): 0.00%
Deploy ansible.cfg to home directory (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000d): 0.00%
Backup file of .ansible.cfg created (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000e): 0.00%
Check for existing SSH keypair (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000f): 0.00%
Check if OpenSSH keypair does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000011): 0.00%
Abort playbook if keypair was found and does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000012): 0.00%
Create OpenSSH keypair for accessing managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000014): 101.40%
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000060): 144.79%
Install SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000017): 302.46%
Start SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000018): 245.07%
Remove /run/nologin to be able to login as unprivileged user (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000019): 151.99%
Add public key of workshop SSH keypair to authorized_keys of ansible user (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000001a): 175.70%
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000001f): 9.00
Get package facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000006): 9.00
Install Podman (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000007): 8.00
Pull image for managed node containers (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000008): 21.00
Start managed node containers, publish 3 ports for each container (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000009): 22.00
Create folder for workshop inventory (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000a): 9.00
Create workshop inventory file (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000b): 11.00
Add block to ssh_config for easy SSH access to managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000c): 8.00
Deploy ansible.cfg to home directory (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000d): 12.00
Backup file of .ansible.cfg created (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000e): 9.00
Check for existing SSH keypair (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000000f): 11.00
Check if OpenSSH keypair does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000011): 11.00
Abort playbook if keypair was found and does not match target configuration (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000012): 14.00
Create OpenSSH keypair for accessing managed nodes (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000014): 17.00
Gathering Facts (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000060): 41.00
Install SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000017): 43.00
Start SSH daemon (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000018): 33.00
Remove /run/nologin to be able to login as unprivileged user (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-000000000019): 29.00
Add public key of workshop SSH keypair to authorized_keys of ansible user (299e2579-3d81-800b-f0f1-00000000001a): 37.00