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3 - Sync Project to AAP

A job template in AAP is a definition and set of parameters for running an Ansible job. Job templates are useful to execute the same job many times. Before you can create a job template with a new playbook, you must first sync your Project so that Controller knows about it.

Create Project

We already have created a project and pushed it to our remote Git host (Azure DevOps). Let's create a project which is logical collection of Ansible playbooks, stored in a (remote) single source of truth.

Click Projects and then the Add icon.

Complete the form using the following values, replace username with your username abbreviation:

Key Value
Name Ansible Workshop Project username
Description Workshop Project for username
Organization Choose your organization
Execution Environment BSS EE - Windows
Source Control Type Git

Now, the form changes, input the following values:

Key Value Note
Source Control URL https://... Input your HTTPS Git URL
Source Control Credentials Azure DevOps username Choose your Git credential
Options Update Revision on Launch

Click SAVE Save. Your project should sync automatically, otherwise click Projects and then click the sync icon next to your project. Once this is complete, you can create the job template.

Project Sync

Create Job Template

Select Templates.

Click the Add icon, and select Job Template.

Complete the form using the following values, replace username with your username abbreviation:


Your playbook targets the windows group. We have all test hosts in the inventory Workshop Example CC, you must place a limit on your job template! If you target the complete windows group, you will automate all hosts, even those of your colleagues!

Key Value Notes
Name IIS Basic Job Template username
Description Template for the iis-basic playbook
Job Type Run
Inventory Workshop Inventory
Project Ansible Workshop Project username
Execution Environment BSS EE - Windows
Playbook iis_basic/install_iis.yml
Credentials Windows Test Host username
Limit Your single host as in your local inventory! Do not target the windows group!
Options Enable Fact Storage

Create Job Template


Did you set the limit?

Click SAVE Save.

Add Survey

On the resulting page, select the Survey tab and press the Add button Create Survey

Complete the survey form with following values

Key Value Note
QUESTION Please enter a test message for your new website
DESCRIPTION Website test message prompt
ANSWER VARIABLE NAME iis_test_message
DEFAULT ANSWER Be creative, keep it clean, we’re all professionals here

After configuring your survey, click Save. On the resulting page, turn on the survey you just created.

Survey creating


You need to activate your survey with the slider!

The playbook failed locally, what now?

Remember that your playbook did not run successful on the command-line because of a undefined variable?
In the survey above we defined a default value for the variable, you could do this locally as well.

Running Job Template

Now that you’ve successfully created your Job Template, you are ready to launch it. Once you do, you will be redirected to a job screen which is refreshing in real time showing you the status of the job.

Select TEMPLATES and Click the rocketship icon Add for the IIS Basic Job Template

When prompted, enter your desired test message

Survey Prompt

Select NEXT and preview the inputs.

Select LAUNCH SurveyL

Sit back, watch the magic happen.

Once again you should be presented with a Job log page. Selecting the Details tab should show you the variable you passed into the playbook among other details.

Job Summary

Next you will be able to see details on the play and each task in the playbook.

Play and Task Output

When the job has successfully completed, the last task tells us what to do. Connect with RDP to the node, open a browser and input http://localhost.

If all went well, you should see something like this, but with your own custom message of course.

New Website with Personalized Test Message


As these are test hosts only, the firewall does not allow external access to the webserver, therefor we need to check this locally.


Now that you have IIS Installed, create a new playbook called remove_iis.yml to stop and remove IIS.


First stop the W3Svc service using the win_service module, then delete the Web-Server service using thewin_feature module.
Optionally, use the win_file module to delete the index page.

Solution needed?

This playbook stops and removes the IIS service.

- name: Remove the IIS web service
  hosts: windows
    - name: Stop IIS service
        name: W3Svc
        state: stopped

    - name: Uninstall IIS
        name: Web-Server
        state: absent

    - name: Remove website index.html
        path: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\index.html
        state: absent

End Result

At this point in the workshop, you’ve experienced the core functionality of Automation Controller. But wait… there’s more! You’ve just begun to explore the possibilities of Automation Controller. The next few lessons will help you move beyond a basic playbook.