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2 - Writing playbooks

Let’s get started writing our first Ansible playbook!

The playbook is where you list the steps you would like to automate into a repeatable set of plays and tasks. To begin, we will setup our directory structure for storing our playbooks. This directory structure will sync with a source control management (SCM) system to version our playbooks. We will be using git as our SCM.

A playbook can have multiple plays and a play can have one or more tasks. The goal of a play is to map a group of hosts. The goal of a task is to implement modules against those hosts.

For our first playbook, we are only going to write one play with three tasks.

All of our playbooks will be stored in a single git repository. Multiple users can use the same repository and git will manage file conflicts and versions. In this environment, each student has sole access to a private repository.


Starting at this task we are going to use Visual Studio Code as our editor. In addition, we will use Azure DevOps for source code control. This will allow us to minimize development work on the linux command line. Other editors or source code solutions can be used, but this will show the general workflow.

Step 1: Create directory structure

There is a best practice on the preferred directory structures for playbooks. We strongly encourage you to read and understand these practices as you develop your Ansible skills. That said, our playbook today is very basic and a complex directory structure is not necessary.

Instead, we are going to create a very simple directory structure for our playbook, and add just a couple of files.

Open Visual Studio Code on the remote host and select your git repository as folder.

Our Git Repository

Step 2: Create a directory called iis_basic and a file called install_iis.yml

[adm1schmidtjon@HAMS010784]$ mkdir iis_basic

You can also do this with VS Code.
Hover over the WORKSHOP_PROJECT section and click the New Folder button. Create a folder called iis_basic. Then click that folder so it is selected. Right click the new folder you’ve created and create a file called install_iis.yml.

You should now have an editor open in the right pane that can be used for creating your playbook.

Empty install_iis.yml

Step 2: Defining your Play

Now that you are editing install_iis.yml, let’s begin by defining the play and then understanding what each line accomplishes

- name: Install the iis web service
  hosts: windows
  • --- Defines the beginning of YAML
  • name: Install the iis web service This describes our play
  • hosts: windows Defines the host group in your inventory on which this play will run against

Step 3: Adding tasks to your Play

Now that we’ve defined your play, let’s add some tasks to get some things done. Align (vertically) the t in task with the h in hosts. Yes, it does actually matter. In fact, you should make sure all of your playbook statements are aligned in the way shown here.
You also must use spaces for indentation. Tabs are not valid YAML syntax.
If you want to see the entire playbook for reference, skip to the bottom of this exercise.

    - name: Install iis
        name: Web-Server
        state: present

    - name: Start iis service
        name: W3Svc
        state: started

    - name: Create website index.html
        content: "{{ iis_test_message }}"
        dest: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\index.html

    - name: Show website address
        msg: "Open an RDP session and open http://{{ ansible_host }} in a browser."
  • tasks: This denotes that one or more tasks are about to be defined
  • - name: Each task requires a name which will print to standard output when you run your playbook. Therefore, give your tasks a name that is short, sweet, and to the point.
Additional info regarding the name parameter

The name key is optional, still, it is highly advisable to use it, as this is the output you will be getting when executing the playbook.
When ommiting the name parameter, your playbook only will output that it does something with the ansible.windows.win_feature module, but not what it does exactly.

      name: Web-Server
      state: present

These three lines are calling the Ansible module win_feature to install the IIS Web Server. Click here to see all options for the win_feature module.

      name: W3Svc
      state: started

The next few lines are using the ansible module win_service to start the IIS service. The win_service module is the preferred way of controlling services on remote hosts. Click here to learn more about the win_service module.

      content: "{{ iis_test_message }}"
      dest: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\index.html

In this task, we use the win_copy module to create a file with specific contents in it. We are getting a little more complex here as we are using a variable to source the contents. We won’t go into the variables just yet, since they will be showcased in a later lesson.

      msg: "Open an RDP session and open http://{{ ansible_host }} in a browser."

This task uses the debug module to post a message at the end of playbook execution.

Try to run your playbook! Execute the following command:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini iis_basic/install_iis.yml


At the moment your playbook will not run properly. There is an undefined Variable. We will solve this problem in AAP!

Step 4: Saving your Playbook

Now that you’ve completed writing your playbook, it would be a shame not to keep it. Click File Save from the menu.

And that should do it. You should now have a fully written playbook called install_iis.yml.

But wait!!! We haven’t committed our changes from our local copy to the remote git server.

Add the file (to the local staging area).

[adm1schmidtjon@HAMS010784]$ git add iis_basic/install_iis.yml

Or if you already in the created folder just the filename

[adm1schmidtjon@HAMS010784]$ git add install_iis.yml

Commit the change with a short message.
This message is intended to describe the changes you made so that others (including yourself) better understand what is changing when comparing versions.

[adm1schmidtjon@HAMS010784]$ git commit -m "Adding install_iis.yml playbook."

Now you need to push the committed changes to your repository.

[adm1schmidtjon@HAMS010784]$ git push

Click the Source Code icon as shown below (It is the middle on the far left of the page that has the blue circle with # 1 in it)

Git Commit

Type in a commit message such as Adding install_iis.yml in the text box at the top of the sidebar. Click the check box above to commit. This message is intended to describe the changes you made so that others (including yourself) better understand what is changing when comparing versions.

Git Commit install_iis.yml

Now you need to push the committed changes to your repository.

On the bottom left blue bar, click the section that contains the circular arrows to push the changes.

Git Push Origin

This may take as long as 30 seconds to push. After your first push, you may get a pop-up message asking if you would like to periodically run git fetch. Because you’re the only one working on the git repo, you can click Yes or No.

Git Push Origin

If you’re interested in validating the code is in git, you can connect to Azure DevOps to verify.

You are ready to automate!


Ansible (well, YAML really) can be a bit particular about formatting especially around indentation/spacing. The Ansible documentation has describe the YAML Syntax a bit more and it will save you some headaches later.
In the meantime, your completed playbook should look like this. Take note of the spacing and alignment.

- name: Install the iis web service
  hosts: windows

    - name: Install iis
        name: Web-Server
        state: present

    - name: Start iis service
        name: W3Svc
        state: started

    - name: Create website index.html
        content: "{{ iis_test_message }}"
        dest: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\index.html

    - name: Show website address
        msg: "Open an RDP session and open http://{{ ansible_host }} in a browser."