Ansible Windows Enablement Workshop
Welcome to the Ansible Workshop!
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation system. It handles configuration management, application deployment, cloud provisioning, ad-hoc task execution, network automation, and multi-node orchestration.
You will learn about Ansible:
- starting with the basics of understanding foundational command line activities.
- applying what you’ve learned to the Ansible automation controller for your enterprise use cases.
You’ll start off by writing your first steps with Ansible Ad-hoc commands, playbooks, working with variables and much more. Next you’ll get started on automation controller, understand inventory and credential management, projects, job templates, surveys, workflows and more.
After finishing this lab you are ready to start using Ansible for your automation requirements.
Time planning
The time required to do the workshops strongly depends on multiple factors: the length of the workshop. the number of participants, how familiar you are with Linux in general and how much discussions are done in between.
Having said that, the exercises themselves should take roughly 4-5 hours.
Lab Overview