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3 - Writing your first Playbook


This exercise covers using Ansible to build two Apache web servers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This exercise covers the following Ansible fundamentals:


Playbooks are files which describe the desired configurations or steps to implement on managed hosts. Playbooks can change lengthy, complex administrative tasks into easily repeatable routines with predictable and successful outcomes.

A playbook can have multiple plays and a play can have one or multiple tasks. In a task a module is called, like the modules in the previous chapter. The goal of a play is to map a group of hosts. The goal of a task is to implement modules against those hosts.


Here is a nice analogy: When Ansible modules are the tools in your workshop, the inventory is the materials and the Playbooks are the instructions.

Step 1 - Playbook Basics

Playbooks are text files written in YAML format and therefore need:

  • to start with three dashes (---)

  • proper indentation using spaces and not tabs!

There are some important concepts:

  • hosts: the managed hosts to perform the tasks on

  • tasks: the operations to be performed by invoking Ansible modules and passing them the necessary options

  • become: privilege escalation in playbooks


The ordering of the contents within a Playbook is important, because Ansible executes plays and tasks in the order they are presented.

A Playbook should be idempotent, so if a Playbook is run once to put the hosts in the correct state, it should be safe to run it a second time and it should make no further changes to the hosts.


Most Ansible modules are idempotent, so it is relatively easy to ensure this is true.

Step 2 - Directory Structure and files for your Playbook

Enough theory, it’s time to create your first Ansible playbook. In this lab you create a playbook to set up an Apache web server in three steps:

  1. Install httpd package
  2. Enable/start httpd service
  3. Copy over an web.html file to each web host

This Playbook makes sure the package containing the Apache web server is installed on node1.

There is a best practice Guide on the preferred directory structures for playbooks. We strongly encourage you to read and understand these practices as you develop your Ansible skills.
That said, our playbook today is very basic and creating a complex structure will just confuse things.

Instead, we are going to create a very simple directory structure for our playbook, and add just a couple of files to it.

If you haven't done this already, on your control host ansible-1, create a directory called ansible-files in your home directory and change directories into it:

[student@ansible-1 ~]$ mkdir ansible-files
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ cd ansible-files/

Add a file called apache.yml with the following content. As discussed in the previous exercises, use vi/vim or, if you are new to editors on the command line, check out the editor alternatives again.

- name: Apache server installed
  hosts: node1
  become: true

This shows one of Ansible’s strengths: The Playbook syntax is easy to read and understand. In this Playbook:

  • A name is given for the play via name:.
  • The host to run the playbook against is defined via hosts:.
  • We enable user privilege escalation with become:.


You obviously need to use privilege escalation to install a package or run any other task that requires root permissions. This is done in the Playbook by become: true.

Now that we've defined the play, let's add a task to get something done. We will add a task in which the RHEL package manager will ensure that the Apache package is installed in the latest version. Modify the file so that it looks like the following listing:

- name: Apache server installed
  hosts: node1
  become: true
    - name: Install Apache package
        name: httpd
        state: present


Since playbooks are written in YAML, alignment of the lines and keywords is crucial. Make sure to vertically align the t in task with the b in become. Once you are more familiar with Ansible, make sure to take some time and study a bit the YAML Syntax.

In the added lines:

  • We started the tasks part with the keyword tasks:.
  • A task is named and the module for the task is referenced. Here it uses the package module.
  • Parameters for the module are added:
    • name: to identify the package name
    • state: to define the wanted state of the package


The module parameters are individual to each module. If in doubt, look them up again with ansible-doc.

Save your playbook and exit your editor.

Step 3 - Running the Playbook

To run your playbook, use the ansible-playbook <playbook> command as follows:

[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml
What does Invalid callback for stdout specified mean?

If you see this error, this is not your fault, but a missing plugin.
In the demo environment, only the ansible-core package is installed. The missing plugin (a callback plugin formats the output Ansible is producing) is not part of the ansible.builtin collection, you need to install it.

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

If you want to know where this configuration is stored, take a look at the following tip.

[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ ansible-navigator run apache.yml -m stdout


The existing /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg file provides the location of your inventory file. If this was not set within your ansible.cfg file, the command to run the playbook would be:

ansible-playbook -i /home/student/lab_inventory/hosts apache.yml

The configuration file does set some more parameters, take a look. If you want to know which config file is used and where it is stored, run ansible --version. The output shows the currently used config file.

Once the playbook has completed, connect to node1 via SSH to make sure Apache has been installed:

[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ ssh node1
Last login: Wed May 15 14:03:45 2019 from
Managed by Ansible

Use the command rpm -qi httpd to verify httpd is installed:

[ec2-user@node1 ~]$ rpm -qi httpd
Name        : httpd
Version     : 2.4.37

Log out of node1 with the command exit so that you are back on the control host and verify the installed package with an Ansible playbook named package.yml. Create the file and paste in the following content:

- name: Check packages
  hosts: node1
  become: true
    package: "httpd"
    - name: Gather the package facts
        manager: auto

    - name: Output message if package is installed
        msg: "{{ package }} in Version {{ ansible_facts.packages[package][0].version }} is installed!"


The playbook (and some of the following playbooks) make use of variables, you will learn about them in the next chapter.

The playbook has two tasks, the first one uses the package_facts module, it does what it says, it gathers information about packages. These facts are not gathered by default with the "Gather facts" tasks (which uses the setup module) and must be collected separately.
The second task uses the debug module. The variable ansible_facts is extended with the packages key, which contains a dictionary with all packages installed on the managed node. The httpd package could be installed in multiple versions, therefore every package key, in our case httpd, is a list. We have installed only one version of httpd (thus, we have a list with only one element), we get the version of httpd with [0].version.

[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-playbook package.yml
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-navigator run package.yml -m stdout

The output should look like this:

PLAY [Check packages] **********************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [ansible]

TASK [Gather the package facts] ************************************************
ok: [ansible]

TASK [Check whether a httpd  is installed] *************************************
ok: [ansible] => {
    "msg": "httpd 2.4.37 is installed!"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
ansible                    : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0  

Execute the command ansible-playbook apache.yml for a second time, and compare the output.

Step 4 - Add one more task

The next part of the Ansible playbook makes sure the Apache application is enabled and started on node1.

On the control host, as your student user, edit the file ~/ansible-files/apache.yml to add a second task using the service module. The Playbook should now look like this:

- name: Apache server installation
  hosts: node1
  become: true
    - name: Install Apache package
        name: httpd
        state: present

    - name: Ensure Apache is enabled and running
        name: httpd.service
        enabled: true
        state: started

What exactly did we do?

  • a second task named "Apache enabled and running" is created
  • a module is specified (service)
  • The module service takes the name of the service (httpd), if it should be permanently set (enabled), and its current state (started)

Thus with the second task we make sure the Apache server is indeed running on the target machine. Run your extended Playbook:

[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-navigator run apache.yml -m stdout

You may also run the playbook in interactive mode:

[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-navigator run apache.yml -m interactive

Notice in the output, we see the play had 1 "CHANGED" shown in yellow. Press 0 to enter the play output, you can see that task 2, "Ensure Apache is enabled and running", was the task that incorporated the latest change by the "CHANGED" value being set to True and highlighted in yellow.

  • Run the playbook a second time to get used to the change in the output.

  • Use an Ansible playbook labeled service_state.yml to make sure the Apache (httpd) service is running on node1.

- name: Check Service status
  hosts: node1
  become: true
    service: "httpd.service"
    - name: Get state of all service

    - name: Output service state of {{ service }}
        msg: "{{ ansible_facts['services'][service]['state'] }}"
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-playbook service_state.yml
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-navigator run service_state.yml -m stdout

This would be the same as checking the service state manually on node1 with: systemctl status httpd.

Step 5 - Extend your Playbook

Check that the tasks were executed correctly and Apache is accepting connections: Make an HTTP request using Ansible’s uri module in a playbook named check_httpd.yml from the control node to node1.

- name: Check URL
  hosts: control
    node: "node1"
    - name: Check that you can connect (GET) to a page and it returns a status 200
        url: "http://{{ node }}"


Expect a lot of red lines and a 403 status!
If you are using the local development environment, remember, you are using containers instead of actual VMs! You need to append the correct port (e.g. node: "node1:8002").
Take a look at the table with the ports overview or execute podman ps and check the output.

[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-playbook check_httpd.yml
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ ansible-navigator run check_httpd.yml -m stdout

There are a lot of red lines and an error: As long as there is not at least an index.html file to be served by Apache, it will throw an ugly "HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" status and Ansible will report an error.

So why not use Ansible to deploy a simple index.html file? On the ansible control host, as the student user, create the directory files to hold file resources in ~/ansible-files/:

[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ mkdir files

Then create the file ~/ansible-files/files/web.html on the control node:

<h1>Apache is running fine</h1>

In a previous example, you used Ansible’s copy module to write text supplied on the command line into a file. Now you’ll use the module in your playbook to copy a file.

On the control node as your student user edit the file ~/ansible-files/apache.yml and add a new task utilizing the copy module. It should now look like this:

- name: Apache server installation
  hosts: node1
  become: true
    - name: Install Apache package
        name: httpd
        state: present

    - name: Ensure Apache is enabled and running
        name: httpd.service
        enabled: true
        state: started

    - name: Copy file for webserver index
        src: web.html
        dest: /var/www/html/index.html
        mode: "0644"
        owner: apache
        group: apache

What does this new copy task do? The new task uses the copy module and defines the source and destination options for the copy operation as parameters.

Run your extended Playbook:

[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml
[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ ansible-navigator run apache.yml -m stdout
  • Have a good look at the output, notice the changes of "CHANGED" and the tasks associated with that change.

  • Run the Ansible playbook check_httpd.yml using the "uri" module from above again to test Apache. The command should now return a friendly green "status: 200" line, amongst other information.

Step 6 - Practice: Apply to Multiple Host

While the above, shows the simplicity of applying changes to a particular host. What about if you want to set changes to many hosts? This is where you'll notice the real power of Ansible as it applies the same set of tasks reliably to many hosts.

  • So what about changing the apache.yml Playbook to run on node1 and node2 and node3?

As you might remember, the inventory lists all nodes as members of the group web:


Change the playbook hosts parameter to point to web instead of node1:

- name: Apache server installation
  hosts: web
  become: true
    - name: Install Apache package
        name: httpd
        state: present

    - name: Ensure Apache is enabled and running
        name: httpd.service
        enabled: true
        state: started

    - name: Copy file for webserver index
        src: web.html
        dest: /var/www/html/index.html
        mode: "0644"
        owner: apache
        group: apache

Now run the playbook:

[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml
[student@ansible-1 ansible-files]$ ansible-navigator run apache.yml -m stdout

Verify if Apache is now running on all web servers (node1, node2, node3). All output should be green.